817.  friends staying late at the ball field

818.  RAIN

819.  kids turning their morning around

820.  grace words spoken over me

821.  one day vacation

822.  Julia’s joy in making dessert and our delight in eating it!

823.  keeping surprises a secret

824.  my children loving my wrinkles fine lines

825.  finding his growing frame on her window seat fast alseep

826.  friends showering grace on bride to be

827.  seeing my kids having fun

828.   letters from Jeff

829.   that, then, I had the camera close by and wasn’t off looking for his little pants

830. quiet Saturday morning

831.  opportunities for this

832.  these sewing girls- this class and, oh, that teacher!

833.  ALL THAT TIME I couldn’t get pregnant and practiced waiting on God’s best


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