547.  college bound nephew’s text,  “we need to make this [beach] trip the best one yet...all the kids should be able to remember this one”

548.  news of a date in Soperton

549.  kids at work

550.  prayers for my children

551.  husband who listens to temporary meltdowns

552.  early morning chocolate milk dates

553.  lake day

554.  that this has never happened to us

555.  this grin {so proud}

or this one...

556.  ribs in crockpot (!!)

557.  corn on the cob

558.  smell of chlorine and sunscreen

559.  postcards from Nanna and Papa-- written by Papa

560.  B’s incessant morning chatter {making up for lost talking while sleeping}

561.  daddies who delight in their children

562.  music camp~6 hours of fun for my kids and 6 hours of an empty house for me

563.  beach anticipation


TJ Wilson said…
I wanna see the 6 of his grin that you didn't post...

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