The Last Word

So, He always get the last He should.  I write TOO many words for whatever reason and communicate struggles about what I perceive as “chaos” in my life.  Far from it, I assure you, if evaluated by most of the world.  Not even close.  My perception.  I brought my books with me this morning and read this while Julia and Brighton are in their morning activities. And of course, I wonder why do I say SO much when God’s Word says it all.

All that needs to be said about “inner chaos” is in John 15.  “Abide with Me”.  God spoke to Mr. Chambers sometime between 1911- 1915 regarding this and gave him straight to the point counsel regarding all circumstances.  100 years ago.  Abide in Him.  Simple.

I am just reminding myself ~and anyone else~ that He is all we need.  Our first resource.  Our first coping strategy.  Our only One.  He will always provide just what we need.


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