
I have a sweet husband. It’s the day before my birthday and I am at a bookstore where it is, compared to my alternative, quiet. God blessed me with a husband who knows how to celebrate and make a special day just that. Jeff has taken the kids to buy presents for me- you know, the kind the only a mother can appreciate. So as I enjoy the sound of a few rustling pages, he is navigating a big buggy through Target and Costco with 2 excited kids powered by IHOP pancakes and maple syrup.

I love birthdays. But the more of them I have, the more reflective I get- mostly reflective on how much closer the number is getting to 40! There are so many things these days that remind me that I am not 21 anymore. Things like the clothes I wore in high school showing up on young clerks at Anthropologie. My technicians at work not knowing the late Princess Diana used to be called Shy Di (much less watching the wedding on television). What appears to be Christmas wreaths slowly forming around my eyes. My nephew being my old high school’s quarterback and my niece wearing make up. Babysitters calling me Mrs. Sanders. Working with fresh out-of- school pharmacists who really still do know everything. Preferring quiet restaurants . Ads with words like repair, “anti”, diminishing, and smoothing capturing my attention. And my favorite……..hearing comments like, “You look great for 36!” Birthdays will do the trick too. I know 37 is not old, but it depends on who you are telling, doesn’t it?

I know the Lord ordained all the days of my life and that they were written in His book before one of them came to be. I would never want to go back to where I have been. He has a purpose for me at this age just like He did when I as 15. My greatest concern at 37 is that I would be wholeheartedly participating in His purposes for me in this season with a hard working, devoted husband, 2 precious little ones, an amazing extended family and the best friends on the planet. Jeff recently read a book by John Piper entitled Don’t Waste Your Life. You can just imagine the content. Wasting my life.......... now, THAT is a horrifically tragic thought and just the kind of thing that could keep me awake at night. Nothing I lose as the years tick on could ever compare to that kind of loss. May my pages in His book, however many there be chosen, be exactly as He intended them to be.

"He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.” Isaiah 33:6


TJ Wilson said…
K - my life ALONE is richer with you in it.
Btw, when we're 60, I'll be talking about how good you looked at 37!
Sharon said…
Happy Birthday! I love reading a day in the life.... Thank you for adding me to your list. It seems like yesterday that I had 2 little kids talking my ears off. I have so much time alone lately with Catherine in college and Michael driving himself everywhere, and Dwayne working in Houston for weeks at a time, that I reminsce so much. I can see them running around here in there young little world. Savor every moment like you do because they soon will go off and your heart will ache and your eyes will well up with tears at sounds, smells and thoughts of the past. Happy Birthday!!
Anonymous said…
So your birthday was close to the day I instant messaged you! Happy Late Birthday almost 10 days later. Sounds like you were treated very well. I am thankful the Lord has blessed your life so much! He is faithful. These pictures and words are beautiful. I love keeping up through this. I am still on hold, but God is giving peace.
Love you!

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