
If the air seemed a little sweeter and the sun a little brighter a couple of Saturdays ago, it was because Mrs. Summey, my college mentor was in town. She arrived with love to give to our family and a heart full of gratitude to her faithful Savior who has been to her what she always thought He would be if she ever found herself in a situation like breast cancer. She is on the other side of cancer, for now, and ever willing to share how great her God is. I am including a part of one of her succinct email updates- the conciseness reminding me of phone conversations with her.

“It is my blessing at this stage of life to live in the southern Appalachians. There are few days that I do not take comfort from my environment and often I take refuge in the cleft of the Rocks. These mountains often remind me of the awesome power and beauty of the world in which I live. Just such a reminder came yesterday.

My days are much better now and each day I have less pain and more relief. Still it is no secret to you whom I've shared with all these months that these past 6 months have been a hard, hard place. There have been many days that have been strung together where I found no soft place to rest -- it seemed like the immense, seemingly insurmountable boulders were pressed so closely together that I could find no light or sustenance between them.

But yesterday I as drove through these curvy roads, up against those insurmountable boulders, there it was. There, as a result of significant rains Tuesday of this week, from the crevices of these boulders, flowed a trickle of water. I got out of the car to look and see if I could find the crack -- if I could find the source of the water (and we need rain SO badly this drought stricken year) and I could not find its source . But the water flow was undeniable.
There it was -- hope and life, in the midst of hardness -- the source was simply “the evidence of things not seen".

As she and her family walked through my front door that Saturday, I was overjoyed. I found myself just wanting to sit as close to her as possible-- like that would help me to soak up all the encouraging words she effortlessly places into all conversations. I loved seeing her enjoy my children being sure to affirm any edifying thing she observed in them. Her words have always spoken to tender places within me but there is something different when your kids are added to the mix.

Her relationship with Christ is unique and certainly, a beautiful thing to peek in on. Her deep satisfied roots embedded in an intentionally laid foundation served her well during a very dark time. She has experienced the “evidence of things not seen” in a different way than most of us. To have her example of living in Christ on a regular day is a true treasure. What a testimony that in an "insurmountable" situation where faith is stretched seemingly to a snapping point, she found Christ faithful, as He did her.


Alyssa said…
What a treat! So glad you got precious time with your mentor!
TJ Wilson said…
Love this, what a beautiful woman.
Kathie said…
Krista, I remember when she gave a talk at Candleridge. How special her words were, how they reflected a heart for Christ...and for serving Him purposefully. Thanks for sharing her precious thoughts. Kathie

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