Hope in Darkness

"And they crucified Him......................" Mark 15: 24

Jesus hath now many lovers of His heavenly kingdom, but few bearers of His cross. He hath many who desire His consolation, few His tribulation; many who are willing to share His table, few His fasting. All are willing to rejoice with Him, few will endure anything for Him. Many follow Jesus into the breaking of bread, but few to drink of the cup whereof He drank. Many glory in His miracles, few in the shame of His cross.
Thomas à Kempis, Of the Imitation of Christ

For there is still a great work for me to do. But that work is not to crucify myself: I have been crucified; the old man was crucified, so the Scripture speaks. But what I have to do is always to regard and treat it as crucified, and not to suffer it to come down from the cross. I must maintain my crucifixion position; I must keep the flesh in the place of crucifixion.
Andrew Murray, Like Christ

For the crucified One who descends the spiral stairway into the cavern of death is not a defeated Messiah. And He has not come to surrender. Far from it. He is a Creator, and He has come to reclaim His own.
Max Lucado

"for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two." Luke 23:45

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