{gifts 1233-1250}
8 month old baby in pink smocked onesie in my lap
a sane, manageable Wednesday at work
Mom’s week old text still making me laugh
last day of school
the Book It Reading Program
black and white movies that make B belly laugh
their excitement over summer history course {??}
Mrs. Summey three days in a row
that B got to work hard outside {at least that is what he said} and that he was enjoyed by others
fiances that seem awfully special
anticipation of a Saturday morning....sometimes better than the reality
great plays at 2nd base and home
friends around my table
seeing Julia risk something
learning something new
laundry with friends
piano recitals and proud smiles to follow
that God created beauty
8 month old baby in pink smocked onesie in my lap
a sane, manageable Wednesday at work
Mom’s week old text still making me laugh
last day of school
the Book It Reading Program
black and white movies that make B belly laugh
their excitement over summer history course {??}
Mrs. Summey three days in a row
that B got to work hard outside {at least that is what he said} and that he was enjoyed by others
fiances that seem awfully special
anticipation of a Saturday morning....sometimes better than the reality
great plays at 2nd base and home
friends around my table
seeing Julia risk something
learning something new
laundry with friends
piano recitals and proud smiles to follow
that God created beauty