What's This Here White Stuff Called?
What kind of blogger would I be if I didn't post snow pictures? I haven't read the news, seen the paper or even looked on the internet but we've got lots of snow here! When I look outside, it's hard to believe in just a few short months we will be hitting triple digit temperatures and craving Sonic drinks every afternoon. We awakened to this coating of white and it hasn't stopped falling from the white masses above.
As most Texans or Southerners, in general, we aren't equipped with the right wardrobe for these every three to four year spills of snow. There is no option of matching or looking cute. You just put on layers and hope for the best. Keeping Julia and Brighton warm and dry was impossible so every time they came in, a change of clothes was needed. I now see how handy a mudroom/mudspace can be and how mine is NOT. Bad location. There were puddles inside my front door all through the day.
The kids had fun in spite of near frost bitten fingers and wet feet. The highlight was getting to throw snowballs at Jeff and helping him (watching him) build a tremendous snowman!
Snow is still falling. Morning should be beautiful.
It is bizarre to see pics of familiar Fort Worth places covered in snow. Great pictures.